By June Mirassou — Originally Posted on Caring Bridge,
The other day, the title of an article flashed across my Facebook newsfeed that went something like this: "The Percentage of Time We Spend Hating Our Bodies". I didn't click on it because it sounded thoroughly depressing. I know that I have spent my fair share of time looking at myself in the mirror and focusing on my imperfections. I don't need some reporter to remind me.
Although I didn't read the article, the concept stuck with me. After I finished my shower yesterday and was getting myself ready for the day, I stared at myself in the mirror. Only I willed myself NOT to focus on the squidgy parts that I deem a problem. Instead, I stared right into my own eyes and thought, with conviction, "This is the body that is going to battle cancer - and win!" That changed everything, and I surveyed my reflection with a new respect and awe. Those lumps and bumps don't matter.
This is the body of a Mother Fuckin' Cancer Fighting Ninja! I should have my own trading cards and action figures and shit, no?
Whoa! Whoa! Too much?
Okay, how about this?
Instead of thinking about what is WRONG with our bodies, what if we focused on what is RIGHT? Instead of obsessing about what our bodies CAN'T do, what if we fixated on what our bodies CAN do? Right now. And really appreciated it.
Hey, maybe I'm still having those annoying seizures, but you know what? I can take walks with my husband and talk with my family... (My brother says I have a certain Christopher Walken quality to my speech these days. I'm going with it.)
i can read the lovely messages of support and love from all my family and friends...and cry (good tears)!
I can feel Big Hugs (The BEST!) and puppies' soft fur and kisses when they say "hello" and "good morning" - and even hear their barks when they say, "Squirrel!"
I can't taste the yummy wine that Steven brings home, but I can smell it. Did you know that most of your taste comes from your sense of smell? We only can really taste four things: bitterness, sourness, saltiness, and sweetness. All the rest of what you get from a sip of wine comes from the noble nose! (Hey, so next time you see that person swirling and sniffing their glass, try not to be so judgy!) Meanwhile, I'm developing a serious obsession with caffeine-free, herbal teas.
Sorry for making another Harry Potter reference, but J.K. Rowling kicks ass and is probably a stealthy Ninja in disguise herself. (Besides, it's fun to annoy Mike Alexander from time to time.) In her first book, she develops this trope, "The Mirror of Erised". You see, this mirror is special because if you look in it, it shows the "deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts." (Erised is desire spelled backwards. Hey, she's a children's author, so she's allowed to be on point like that.)
Where was I going with this...
It is said that "The happiest person in the world would look in the mirror and see a reflection of them, exactly as they were."
Thwump. <drops microphone>
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