Saturday, January 10, 2015

The One in Which I Explain What the #MFBCFNW is Fighting FOR not AGAINST

A couple months ago, when I started to venture out on the interwebs, seeking out like-minded Brain Cancer Survivors, I stumbled across the wonderful blog, The Brain Chancery, which I've shared with you before. And poking around on his site, I discovered an entry that really made me think. And the same issue has come up for me many times as I read other survivors blogs, tweets, etc.

First of all: I have to say that every cancer survivor is on his/her own journey. And I'm in NO WAY judging anyone that is taking a different path. Everyone has to figure out what is right for them - physically, mentally, spiritually...

But I felt like I connected with so much of the attitude and thinking of this guy, Chad, that he really made me take pause with his entry: We Need to Talk: It's About Brandon. Kiddies, I could tell you nothing about it and force you to read it yourself. But I know some of you are lazy busy, and won't get around to it. And it's really at the heart of what I want to say today -   So, I'll give you a little Cliff Notes version here:

Chad jokes about naming his cancer "Brandon", but he gets at a more serious topic of the tendency to anthropomorphize (Dang! That was a hard word for me to say before my brain tumor!) CANCER itself.   Kiddies, "anthropomorphizing" is when you give a human form or personality to something that is not human.  For example:
Like when we have animals act like humans in cartoons and such...
This phenomenon is very common in the Cancer Community. We hear and see things like: "I hate cancer!" and "Cancer sucks!" And I'm not saying that it is a wrong approach. I'm just saying that I tend to agree with Chad with Brain Chancery that it feels a bit silly...
or maybe not silly, but.... unhelpful(?) to me. Because CANCER is just random fucking cells that are doing what they do. There's no reason it's happening. They aren't "out to get me." So, it seems (to me) like a colossal waste of time and energy to spend being raging pissed of them and focusing my attention on them.

Which brings me to my next point... 
(I know what you're thinking...)
So, June! Why are you calling yourself a Ninja Warrior? And more specifically a Mother Fuckin' Brain Cancer Fighting Ninja Warrior? (#mfbcfnw) Huh? HUH?

So, I feel like I need to clear up the confusion. I use the Ninja Warrior persona to represent my Inner Super Hero Self who can call upon the powers within me to fight. But I'm not fighting against cancer. I'm fighting for my LIFE.

As a Ninja Warrior, I'm calling upon all of the tools in my MIND/BODY/SPIRIT to find balance...reason...patience...peace, mother fuckin' weapon in my arsenal ---
whatever I need at that moment to fight for my life. But notice that my "weapons" are positive.
So, yes, I'm fighting brain cancer because that's what's standing between me and life. but I'm not spending my days swinging numchucks at effigies of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells (although it's fun to imagine it at times...)

You probably noticed that all the ninja stars I create have positive messages on them. Yesterday, the one I held during my first post-treatment MRI said: Hope and Joy on one side and #beinthepresent on the other. (and of courses, #mfbcfnw) Even the cursing and the "RAWWWR!ing" are my expressions of power, not anger. Does that make sense?
My mom gave me that adorable little pocket-size ninja! Thanks, Mom!
 Maybe it doesn't work for someone else - but I believe, for ME, the real BADASS powers lie in the positive! And this #MFBCFNW is going to keep using them to FIGHT FOR MY LIFE!

The real power is looking at life's challenges and saying, You know what? I'm going to
LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE for as long as I can and not waste my time focused on the stuff that I:
1) can't control.
2) don't add meaning/joy/happiness to my life.

Carry on, my fellow Ninja Warriors! Go forth, and be BADASS!

P.S. I just found and read another entry from Brain Chancery about this subject, and I'm convinced that we are twins separated at birth - except he's 11 years younger than me. But why quibble?


  1. June, I discovered your blog last week and love it. I admire your spunk, and your honesty, and your power! I am a huge fan of both The Liz Army and The BrainChancery ... have you read "Toom-ah? What Stinkin' Toom-ah!" by Jessica Oldwyn? Another Bad-ass. And Stephen's "" is badd-ass in terms of the sheer amount of research he has compiled. My friend Mark Green's, "" is intimate. Honest. And Bryan Bishop's Book, "Shrinkage: Manhood, Marriage and the tumor that tried to kill me" is bad-ass and laugh-out-loud funny! Please check out this film about a project I am spear-heading. And if you are inclined, help me get the word out! I am partial, but I think there is a trace of bad-ass in it! Thanks, Karin Mallory

    1. Karin, Thank you for your kind words and recommendations! And I will check out your project today! Sounds awesome! :)
