Friday, January 16, 2015

The One in Which I Explain How Brain Cancer Made Me a Hugger

June's Brain Cancer 101:

I am going to get a technical here in the beginning, so things will make more sense later on... Sorry! I won't charge you tuition or anything, so no worries about student loans, etc. And it ends with hugging, so it will totally be worth it. It you are really lame, and you want to skip to the hugging part, scroll down...
Here! This should tide you over:
One of my favorite hugging pictures: two of my girls in fake furs at H&M.
My tumor was on the motor strip of my brain. I also have/had some "weirdness" (obviously a highly technical term that you will have to google later) on my scans adjacent to this location, on my right temporal lobe. They (local neuro experts as well as the UCSF folks), aren't sure what exactly is going on there - it's "ambiguous" - but after two separate Tumor Boards reviewed it, we're treating is as a "secondary location". This actually makes sense, too, because seizures (my red flag indicator that led to my diagnosis) are more often associated with the temporal lobe than the motor strip. And it explains why my radiation treatment was pretty complicated  - for the physicists - not me! I just laid there and got zapped. It sucked, but it wasn't complicated... Oh, and why I have more than a "patchiness" to my hair loss as a result. Try: half of my head is bald; Steven shaves the other half about every 3 days or so. #superschmoopy

Here is a basic diagram of the brain, so you get an idea of what I'll be talking about:

First, let's look at the motor strip. (See below for detailed diagram).  The tumor was located around the area where the mouth produces speech: lips, jaw, tongue, etc.  BTW, this is one of the actual diagrams that the UCSF neurologist shared with us. I'm imagining that it's one of those visuals that they create for medical students to help they memorize all the shit they have to memorize.  I hope that's what it's for - because otherwise, it's primary purpose is to give people horrible nightmares?
Freaky looking, no?
 Looking at this - it seems pretty clear to me that my tumor was located around that creepy open-mouthed face because it is the actual articulation of some words that I had the most problems with immediately post-surgery. It also explains why my neurosurgeon and neurologist both had me go through the paces with showing that I had no weaknesses in movement or perceived sensation in my left side of the rest of my body - face, arm, hand, legs, etc. because if you follow logically up that motor strip, that would where the "deficits" would be located.

Hey, kiddies - A little lesson for you out there: the medical community likes to refer to losses in physical/cognitive abilities as "deficits". It sounds more clinical and less traumatic, I guess. FYI - We talked about possible "deficits" the day before my surgery, including significant weaknesses on the whole left side of my body.  Newsflash: despite my drugged up state, it didn't feel less traumatic to me. Nor was I less grateful when coming out of the surgery to realize that my left side of my body was fully functioning/strong.

The "weirdness" located on the temporal lobe explains the more subtle but annoying deficits in my speech - what I call fluency, but is more accurately referred to as "prosody, or the rhythm of one’s speech" (source: Right Temporal Lobe Functions) It appears to be getting better - with lots and lots of practice speaking, but you may notice it especially when I'm tired after a long day, etc.

[For those of you that have read this far, you might want to apply for some college credit units for your effort. Of course, there will be a quiz later to prove that you were actually paying attention.]

I've been reading more about this temporal lobe stuff because of the follow-up MRI I had done last week. The good news is they saw shrinkage in the primary area AKA the motor strip where the tumor was resected (Yay!). However, they are still picking up some "weirdness" in that secondary location. It's a wait-and-watch kind of thing...which is not my strong suit. And with all this time on my hands, I'm doing a little poking around, learning more about the ...

I thought this was a really interesting thing I found on the interwebs:
Sometimes damage to part of the temporal lobe can cause personality changes such as humorlessness, extreme religiosity, and obsessiveness. People may have an overwhelming urge to write.  The Merk Manual Home Edition.

I haven't noticed a loss of humor or more religious tendencies. One could argue that it would be hard to gauge my "obsessiveness" on an objective scale in general...But an "overwhelming urge to write". That's pretty cool. Maybe that explains my interest in blogging? I've always liked to write...I just didn't have the time that I have now! (I have a LOT more time on my hands...especially when I wake up at 3:45 a.m.! DOH!)

 I have noticed a personality change in me that is not indicated here, though...

I'm a hugger! Why would I suddenly become a hugger? Don't get me wrong. I've always liked hugs. But I've never been what one would call a "Hug Initiator".

I googled that shit, and the first several links were about tree huggers (#googlefail) - but I did find this blog about Wanting to be a Hugger, though, which I found really interesting. It has a central Christian religious theme, but even if you're not religious, you might find it thought-provoking. I can totally get behind the catchy message: "More like Jesus. Less like a Jerk".

I'm pretty sure, though, that becoming a Hugger has got nothing to do with my tumor location or the various diagrams of my brain. 
 <eh hem>
Question from the audience: But June!! Why did you make us read all that stuff about your brain and tumor???? 
June: Quit yer whining! Hey, you learned some good stuff today, right? You may even be inspired to go back to medical school for all I know. You're welcome.

I just wanted to explain - if you noticed all the hugging - I didn't want you to chalk it up to brain damage.  June the Hugger is about an emotional transformation, not a physical one. 

If you were at this week's Livermore Fundraiser Event, you saw June the Hugger in full force.
Have I met you before? Doesn't matter! Imma gonna give you a hug!

Here is a picture I blatantly stole from someone FB account. Thank, Irene!
I wish I had more pictures to post of the event, but I was too busy hugging! Oh, and ROCKIN' my Mother Fuckin' Ninja Warrior Purple Hair! #mfbcfnw

Wednesday morning, before the event, Steven and I went for a walk, and we talked (and cried) about how overwhelming and humbling it was to have so many people in our lives who are so good and kind and generous...and we talked specifically about this blog and how some people tell us that they are inspired by our journey...

But I told Steven, they've got it all wrong because THEY inspire ME. In my mind's eye, I see my arms wide open, and YOU lifting me up with your words and your prayers and your thoughts.... And all I want to do when I see you is wrap my arms around you all and say, "Thank You!" and "I love you!"


And I'm going to do it every chance I get. Consider this your warning!

Did Brain Cancer make me a Hugger? Hell, yes! And I'm the better for it. Who'd a thunk?

P.S. I'm going to do a whole blog about the Livermore Fundraising Event soon, but I'm begging anyone out there that has pictures to share. I'm serious when I say that I basically have none. I was too busy hugging people. If you're willing to share, please email them to me at:  Thank you!!!


  1. Can you feel this? You are right! It is another big hug!!! Love

  2. I've hugged you on FB, Twitter and now Blogger today!! XOXOXOX

  3. I have never been a big hugger but I am sending a big hug to you. Keep that optimism!

  4. I finally found it! Your blog! And here I am next to you in this picture! A big hug was about to happen just before it was taken - hug-interrupted. ugh. ;) Looking forward to another hug opportunity, but in the meantime, here's to you, and your wonderful blog, your fabulous purple hair, a great attitude and just to wonderful YOU!
