Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The One in Which I Reveal that George Washington was a MF Ninja Warrior

I woke up this morning, in bed with my arms around my Schmoopy, to the sound of rain drops falling softly against the window. And I was immediately transported back to a memory of laying in a pop-up camper with my family and hearing the rain drops plop on the canvas sides and the breath of my siblings beside me and my parents across the way. And it was so vivid.

I don't have a picture of our actual camper.I 'm sure my mom has many. I don't remember us having propane underneath. Other than that, it seems pretty accurate.
It's weird how the brain retains things, and how they are retrieved instantly from a smell or a taste or sound. Let's face it. The brain is weird. Magical. Powerful. Mysterious. and Weird. Which I guess is my round-about apology for this rambling post...

Today's radiation/chemo will mark the halfway mark of my current treatment regimen. I've learned a lot lessons from fellow Ninja Warriors out there that have seen battles with cancer, but one of the wisest is: Your journey is your own journey. Sounds simple, but it has given me a great deal of perspective after I first attempted to google"GBM" and got all freaked out.  Remember that? (Warning: Absolutely No Unicorns or Rainbows Contained in this Post (sort of)
Thank you to all the Ninja Warriors that helped through that particular hissy fit difficult time.

When I first got my prognosis, another wise Ninja Warrior (Bethany McIvor!) suggested that we google "GMB Survivors". I wasn't ready then, but I am now. Remember, kiddies, how I said we're all on our journeys? But this is a great lesson in how important keywords are when searching the internet.  Entering the keyword "tea party" will yield you VERY different results than entering in "tea party food ideas". These things are important to know because it would be very shocking and disappointing  for some Tea Party lobbyist to arrive at this:
Hint: Sometimes things end up in my blog just because they make me giggle to think about them. Giggling is a good thing.
P.S. I have lots of other lessons about google, but I'll save them for later...unless I get that inevitable communication from their lawyers.

So, I took a deep breath and googled that shit yesterday: "GBM Survivors". And yes, it contained (some) of the information that I was avoiding: The survival rate for GBM is... <June sticks pointer fingers in her ears> "La la la la...not listening!" But this time, I sucked it up and looked at the actual numbers. I already KNEW them, kinda-sorta. It just confirmed the whole Outlier thingy I've talked about it. That wasn't what I was looking for anyway. I was looking for WHO survived and WHAT they are doing.

I know that there are no secret recipes or cures, especially for the particularly nasty variety of Cranium-Threatening Bastard Thugs that are in my brain.... I realize that "cranium" isn't really the right word, but I can't think of a really good synonym for brain?" Oh! I know!!! How 'bout "gray matter"?

Okay, so henceforth, I do decree that they (the fucking tumor cells in my brain) will be referred to as Gray-Matter Threatening Bastard Thugs!  I'll just call them Bastard Thugs for short. But y'all will know what I'm talking about now, k?

Ninja Warrior attacking actual Bastard Thugs (GBM cells) with ninja stars! Fuckin' Awesome, right?!
Anyway, this is some of what I took away from my initial search for Stage 4 GBM Survivors is:
1) They exist! Yay! They're not unicorns! (Whoops! Sorry, kiddies! Ignore that last part.)
2) There are Mother Fuckin' Brain Cancer Fighting Ninja Warriors who are Long Term Survivors (LTS)!
Check this LTS ninja out: Cheryl Broyles's Inspirational GBM Brain Tumor Survivor Story
3) Knowledge is power. If I want to be a Long Term Survivor, I have to ACT like one.
Anyone who knows me knows this: I'm not quitter. I'm going to research and train and use my body, soul, and mind in this fight.

Sorry to break the news to you all, but this was a big a-ha for me (But remember what I said, kiddies: knowledge is power!):

4) This is only the first battle. This is an all-out war, and there will be more battles. There will be more treatment cycles and more battle scars.

The Good News: We don't have to think about them today. We don't even know what they are! What a waste of time and energy - and I can't afford to waste either of these things.

Because I'm a history geek, a thought that keeps running through my head are stories my father sometimes tells (fellow history geek! fist bump!) about George Washington during the Revolution War. Did you know that he lost more battles than he won in the war? And he had many close calls that could have ended his life.  (You'll have to ask my dad for the specifics. He's much better at telling those stories!) But it's obvious that George Washington was a Ninja Warrior, too!

Google truly failed me this time. The best I could to was a GW vs. Zombies pic.Which is also pretty bitchin'!
Although I couldn't find confirmation of it on the internet, I'm pretty sure GW's battle cry at Yorktown was, "Die, you Mother Fuckin' Bastard Thugs"

P.S. Did you know that I went to George Washington University, and I lived in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania for a time in my life?

Coincidence, or something more?


  1. I think it would AWESOME for a Tea Party lobbyist to get those pictures! (obviously I'm not a tp loyalist - tp, get it? hee hee)
    You are a brave person to Google that shit. Braver than me and I don't have those gray matter thugs in my brain. So big fist bump for doing it and finding results that are encouraging and uplifting.
    Cheryl's story is mind blowing (no pun intended there) and I hope you connect with her. I totally know that feeling of finding someone who gets it on the inside. Family, friends, doctors, ninja warriors - we all support, cry, lament, get angry and empathize with you but we don't know how it feels on the inside and the LTSNW do, so go make a new friend. You're good at that! :)
    In the meantime, here's to being halfway through chemo - woot woot!! #nobodyfightsalone

    1. Cheryl is truly badass, and I need to reach out for sure! Cheers to me starting the second half of treatment today! (I'll drink green juice while you can sip on a nice burgundy, okay?) Xoxoxo

  2. I love your fucking sense of humor.
    There are NO coincidences!
    Hugs to you, and keep writing. It's motivating to me. :-)
