Saturday, December 6, 2014

The One in Which I Go Full Baldy and Still Feel Like Merida from Brave

Shall we go in the Way Back Machine...just kidding...about a month ago, when I decided to get my hair cut "short"? (See post if you've forgotten/missed that one.) If you remember, I was specifically told that I wasn't going to lose all my hair from the chemo I was taking, BUT I would lose "patches" of hair due to the radiation treatments.

So, rather than shave my whole head, I decided to cut it short and just see what "patchy" really meant. In my case, "patchy" meant I lost almost all of my hair from the crown on down to my ear on the right side of my head. There were not going to be any comb-over techniques to hide this one. I still had basically a normal amount of wavy, curly hair from ear level to the nape of my neck. So, if wore a hat, there was the illusion that I wasn't Full Baldy. But without a hat, it was just a hot mess.

Also, I signed an actual paper that said I understood that there are no guarantees that lost hair will ever grow back, it was time to jump in the deep water of:
  1. shaving my head
  2. getting a wig (or two)
So, naturally, I went to a professional....
Schmoopy AKA #myrock shaved his head weeks ago in solidarity.
Now, he's obsessed and thinks it's "too long" if more than two days have gone by between shavings. Love you, Schmoopy!!! #baldhottie. As a result of all his recent experience, I entrusted him to shave my head. We have no pictures because I was trying to avoid the mirror during the actual "act", and it looked really messy anyway. Like, there was HAIR EVERYWHERE!

First, he had to scissor cut the considerable amount of hair that I still had on my head. Then he had to do that actual shaving. When I first looked at it, I thought he didn't know what he was doing - there were still dark patches and totally bald patches...abut then he explained to me that the BALD-BALD was from the radiation - when the hair literally falls out, and you've got NADA on your scalp (except redness and dry skin from the irritation).  The dark patches were stubble from my hair that was actually still there. So, the Natalie Portman stubble thing was not to be.
Natalie Portman famously shaved her head for V for Vendetta. I definitely need to learn how to do the smokey eye thing...
In case you're wondering: I would have to razor shave my whole head in order to get an even look - and I've been told that is not the way to go. (Owie! and a major commitment to keep it up)  I was thinking about doing a chalk drawing of a globe or something, but that would only be for special occasions, of course.
Steven, Me, and my brother, John - Baldies Unite!
But first let's put some hats on! Brrrrrrrr!!!!
The bald thing really isn't a big deal. Let's face it. That is NOT one of my 99 problems.  It's all about adaptation. The single biggest thing I've noticed is that my head is cold! How do men do it??? They just get used to it?? My (obvious) solution: Hats, hats, and more hats!

I got a couple sleep caps which are super soft and warm at night. And a skull cap like thingy so I can wear basically any hat and not have it chafe my scalp - which is getting tender due to being to close to the end of my treatment. I have also ordered a wig that I will have in about a week. I don't want to reveal that just yet, but let's just say it is NOT this:
I ran the Princess Half Marathon in 2013 dressed as Merida. Not too many women dressed as Brave. I found this guy at the start, though. 
Although Merida's hair didn't inspire me with my wig choice this time, she's been very much on my mind during the last few days of baldiness. Because her hair was spectacular (in the movie), and she is a such a badass.

I've just finished up week 5 (of 6) of my initial treatment. These last 7 treatments are called "boosts" where, in addition to the normal routine, they spend some time really focused on a specific area of the tumor cells.  I had been trying to avoid steroids as much as possible (because of the unpleasant side effects) but they are amazingly effective at minimizing swelling of the brain tissue. I started taking them last week because I realized that I was having some headaches and my speech was being affected/slowing down. I guess the "boosts" are causing more swelling because Doctor Rad (the radiologist) has upped my dosage for the last week. This will help with the headaches and speech, but probably make me look a bald chipmunk!

I created a playlist from Brave's soundtrack to play during my treatment yesterday, and visualized this scene from the movie when this song came on. Ultimately, Merida learned in that movie that she didn't have total control over what happened in her life, but she could remain true to herself, face adversity proudly, and do the right thing.

We can't control everything, but we can control our reaction to it.

Merida hair gone, but a half-marathon medal around my neck!


  1. Hair is overrated. You look wonderful!!
    I'm being in the moment today thanks to you. Just hanging with my girl, painting her room. Beats the hell out of worrying about next month, year whatever, so big thank you for that!
    Xoxo from here!

    1. The room looks great, and I'm sure your girl loves it! But the "hanging out with her" is probably the best part! :) Xoxoxo

  2. I'm proud to be "chilly dome" with you and Steven!

  3. Reminded once again of what is really important...thank you June. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs across the miles....

  4. Me too Sweetie! Sending you love from down south; terrific post!

    1. Thank you for the love! I hope that you are very good weather and great sunsets! :)

  5. Another brilliant post and you look so beautiful in the pictures, you are just glowing. Nothing can hide beauty that comes from within.
