Thursday, October 29, 2015

The One in Which I Tell You that I'm not Stable

Not so much "Yippee Skippee" this time. 
Okay, I know many of you know that I had my MRI on Monday, I still haven't posted any results. I usually post a cheery update saying "I'm stable! Yippee Skippee!", so you may have already gotten the gist that...the scan was not stable. Well, let me be more specific. Tuesday morning, we heard from my oncologist - My MRI scan this week showed a change from the last one that I had in July. Just a reminder, in this case: NO change is good. Change is not good. So, I spent a great deal of time trying not to freak out. I meditated and walked with Steven and tried not to cry TOO much...because we really didn't know very much yet. (P.S. Still don't) The oncologist was just reading the report that he got from Good Sam's radiology department. He hadn't seen the scan itself yet. All he really said was there was "a change".

In the late afternoon, we heard from our radiologist (Dr. Rad) - same thing. Hadn't seen the scan itself, but from the report, he was more reassuring and told us a little more information based on that report. Through speaker phone, Steven and I both peppered him with questions, and he used words like, "minor", "subtle", and "very mild" flare/inflammation at the tumor site. What made me feel the most reassured is he said: "By no means, is this definitely a recurrence of the tumor". No, I'm not paraphrasing. That's exactly what he said. I know because I wrote it down. (More about that later below)

I can't tell you how reassuring all those words were. I felt like I could breathe again.

We still have a lot of meetings and research to do, but for now, I "stay the course". I will continue the Temodar cycles and have an MRI every other month. We have appointments with both the Los Gatos oncologist and the neuro-oncologist at UCSF next week. We are considering seeking yet another doctor for opinions. It can't hurt, right?

What we know now, is this: The radiologist said the slight inflammation may be "radiation necrosis", which sounds really spooky and Halloweeny, so I guess we can look at it as timely and festive? <cue spooky noises and music>
I know radiation necrosis isn't something to joke about, but it's better than a recurrence. And P.S. Piss off if you don't find the same things funny that I do. If you haven't figured it out yet, I have a weird(-ish) sense of humor.
Just kidding!

What seemed a little eerie - is that, (I kid you not), I woke up Tuesday and was randomly thinking of how lucky I am - considering the circumstances. I am relatively unimpaired RIGHT NOW from my illness. And you all know how I feel about the RIGHT NOW.

It is what matters. RIGHT NOW.

I can walk unimpaired and without support.In fact, I just started doing this 30-day Yoga Challenge with Adrienne on Youtube, and I am kicking ass - or is she kicking my ass? Either way, I'm doing downward dogs and cobras, and planks to beat the band. 

I'm not physically disabled right now.

 I can talk relatively unimpaired, although, I have some issues with that (especially when I'm tired or just waking up). But most of the time... the important thing is that I can still communicate my thoughts and feelings. And, not to brag or anything, but my mind is still pretty sharp.

Yes, there are some differences. My short term memory is pretty shitty. But I've learned to adapt. I carry notebooks. (Surprisingly, despite my love of technology, I like the ole' paper and pen to jot down things that I need to remember. I call it my "paper brain". So, if you tell me something you want me to remember, and I don't write it down, I have no intention of remembering it. Whoops! I gave away a little secret! (Shhhh! maybe some of you didn't catch on....) <slinking away>

Nothing to see here! Move along!

Okay, as I think about it, all these thoughts were really not "random". I was trying to keep my perspective while I waited for the news about my MRI. And guess what! That is all true today. After hearing the news. The fact that the scan was not "stable" didn't change that.

Yes. It threw us for a loop, and Steven and I needed some time to process it. But if we stay in the present and not start projecting into the future, we are more than okay. We are lucky.

But....but....I could leave at that, and wrap this up in a big bow, but I feel like I need to share with you....

 In a cosmic joke of some kind (P.S. Cosmos, I don't think it's funny AT ALL, and if you could knock it off, that would be GREAT!), we are having some other challenges as a family that my sister-in-love and husband are dealing with right now. The cliche says, "When it rains, it pours..." I know we have a serious drought here in California, but if you could manage to have some drops land on another family, we would be so grateful. Thanks! (I think Steven and his sister have already proven that they're studs. No need to make people jealous.)
The Studs! Look! They even have weapons! Look out!
I had to scrounge around in my Ninja Warrior toolkit and find my Zen Manual. It's a little dog-eared, and I'm flipping through it like mad. Yes, I'm soaking up the message: Worrying never changes the outcome. 

But this time, I'm also focusing on another message: Together, we have so much more strength.
My love goes out to all my Warriors and Angels, and I send my love and positivity to my family. We are so strong. We will get through this!

Okay, so technically Pam & Steven aren't twins, but they are AWESOME!

Love, June Xoxoxo #MFBCFNW


  1. See I knew I gave you that rebound journal for a reason: paper brain!

    Yoga, mantra, zen, good karma, whatever it takes to keep you in the present and thinking 'it's all good today' DO IT! Do I like this post no (so I'm not going to "like" it on FB either! damnit!) But I know you are strong and determined and well... a #MFBCFNW and you have a fabulous schmoopy and beautiful sunsets and a vineyard to walk in and the secret swing (shhh! don't tell!) that all contribute to the good in life today.
    And I totally plan on coming out next spring with TWO travel buddies!
    So deep breaths and warrior on!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to see you again on that secret swing! (Sssshhhh!) Love, June Xoxo

  2. Hugs to you, June. I love your writing. I wish I had half your ability, and your ability to stay strong and centered through all of this is astounding. More people should take lessons from you.
    And -- I'm thrilled that you're following Adrienne! I love her videos and her style. She's anti-traditional yogi yet calming at the same time.
    XO to you! :)

    1. Thank you for compliments! I really like Adrienne because she so chill, and yet her "practices" make me feel so much better. They are sneaky! :) I love the fact that she's not afraid to make mistakes and let people have choices. Anyway, I stumbled upon her, and she's working for me for now. Maybe I'll end up at a yoga class, but for now, it's just good that I'm doing something, right?

  3. No biggie, a ninja like you laughs at a little necrosis!

  4. The "right now" is the only place to be! You are magnificent. No, I do not like the ideas of "not stable" and "necrosis" very much, although I like them better than the idea of "recurrence," but regardless, they are all just ideas and not a descriptive of anything that is happening in the right now. Right now you are a wise, beautiful, powerful badass who is surrounded by love. Hmm. Thinking about it I realize that those things will be true for you for absolutely every 'right now' ever. AND you are a beautiful writer, AND you are kicking yoga's butt, and you soak up the magic of glorious sunrises and sunsets every day walking that gorgeous land with your husband under your own substantial steam. You are a genius for not allowing worry to rob you of the beautiful life you make every day. I am so sorry that the universe is fucking with your extended family as well, but as the last few years have taught me, working from the "right now" is the way to work though anything. Love you, you awe-inspiring force of nature!

    1. Thank you for all the positive energy! It makes my heart swell! Big ninja hugs and kisses! <3

  5. You are teaching the rest of us life lessons - living in the present is so important (I am learning) as is letting go (also learning). I am not a great student but hear your words and feel your love. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. And what Pam said. That yoga shit is hard - I am pretty impressed.
