Thursday, October 22, 2015

The One in Which I Totally Embarass Schmoopy/Steven. Squeeee!

I was revisiting some of my blog posts, which I do occasionally to make sure I'm not totally repeating something I said before. FYI, I know I repeat things sometimes. Well, I don't know necessarily what it IS that I'm repeating, but I know I've said some things more than once here. I blame it on the treatment - radiation is notorious for affecting our short-term memory. But then I talk to other people who are my age or older, and they say, "I do that all the time, too". So, whether it's brain cancer or age - you pick - I wanted you to be aware that I know that I repeat myself.

Oh, Oh! Warning! Ear worm coming on! "I repeat myself when under stress...I repeat myself when under stress..." (Click at your own risk of spreading the earworm.)

 (Kiddies, you're just going to have to trust me on this one. You had to be in your formative years in the 80's to really appreciate this. But I didn't receive these socks for nothin')

(Now, that's one I think only my generation is going to remember. See! There are things we remember! Doesn't that feel good?) My job here is done. Oops! Not quite.

I had three high school friends who came to visit me within the last week. Two flew 3,000 miles all the way from the D.C. area to spend a day and a half with me. One lives in Los Angeles - and for all of you that don't live in California, look at map, people. It's BIG. It's not like she lives down the block.

But I digress.(It wouldn't be an authentic June blog post if I didn't bird-walk a little bit, right?)

I was extremely thrilled to see all three of them (of course), and honored that they took the time away from their busy lives to come out here to see me. Unfortunately, I had one glitch in my visit with Pam & Jill. When we planned the visit, my chemo cycles were not going to coincide with the visit, but with my Tooth Saga, I was on the tail-end of cycle #9 when they arrived. Saturday morning laid me out flat, and I had to take another five hours of sleep before I rallied for a wonderful evening. On the plus side, they got to explore downtown Livermore, and I was the recipient of some awesome goodies as a result (see socks above):and this sweet shirt:
If you come visit me, expect your car to be dirty when you leave. It's all DIRT, Baby!
It was all good in the end.

 Snuggled under blankets, listening to live music at Double Barrel in downtown Livermore. 
Visiting with Allison was a lovely time. She drove out from San Francisco at rush hour. I warned her about that, but then I remembered that she lives in L.A. (Hello! McFly! You call this "traffic"??) Fortunately, she arrived just in time to enjoy the sunset in my backyard, and we had a chance to discuss Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness around the firepit. No pictures. I'm finding that I "forget" about my phone more and more - except for the app that reminds me when to take my meds. And pictures of sunsets. And sunrises. But spending time with people trump phones 100% of the time.

Saying good-bye with all these friends was slightly awkward (for me). Doesn't the saying go, "This isn't saying good-bye. It's just saying 'See ya' later!'"? But we all knew/know that in my case, that may have been good-bye. In fact, they might not have gone through that much trouble if there wasn't at least a tiny part of them that was saying, "This may be the last time I get to see June alive." We didn't discuss it, but I talked to Steven about it, though. (Hint: I talk to him about pretty much everything. So, if you tell me, "Don't tell anyone about this,..." that really means, "Don't tell anyone but Steven about this....")

Don't worry, my Warrior friends. I'm not dwelling on that last good-bye. If you follow me on social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.),  you know that I'm spending a lot of time enjoying my new surroundings in Livermore. Sunsets, sunrises, walks with Schmoopy and the doggies...and trying to transform this house into our home.

It just so happens that my next MRI is scheduled for next Monday, 10/26, and that always brings on the scanxiety syndrome. Through yoga, meditation, and my Schmoopy, I keep re-centering myself to the present and the gifts I have every day: visits with family and friends, the beauty that surrounds me, and my best friend/love of my life...the best thing that ever happened to me. Namely: Steven.

I was at a wine club release a couple weeks ago, and one of the club members leaned into me while Steven was talking and said, "You know how lucky you are to have him, right? He's a good one."  (I resisted the urge to say DUH! And if you are reading this right now, #sorrynotsorry #braincancercard #freepass) Just in case you didn't know it by now, yes, I do know how lucky I am. He gets embarrassed when I talk about this, but that's just one of the things that makes him so special.

I talked to my "mother-in-love", Judy, the other day. (She lives in Arizona.) She feels helpless that there's nothing she can do to help me, living so far away. I get that, but there's really nothing that anyone can do. I told her, you already did probably the most important thing to help me through this.. You raised the man I married, my Schmoopy. I don't know what I would do without him. The greatest gift of all.
He shaved his head for me, but winery guests were afraid he was sick - and my hair grew back, so he has hair, too, now!

This totally didn't start out as a blog post singing Steven's praises, but I started writing, and this is what came out. It was going to be an essay on how to achieve World Peace and stop Global Warming. But I guess that one will have to wait. Priorities, people. Priorities! 

P.S. I know I've told you how bitchin' he is before. That's not a brain cancer or age/memory thing. I just think he deserves it.

P.P.S. Thank you so much to Jill, Pam, and Allison for the visits!!! Love, June Xoxoxo #mfbcfnw

P.P.P.S. And not to bum you out, but just a reminder: It could be "Good-bye!" for any of us - and not "See you later!" Something to think about when you are with your precious loved ones.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have a post-surgery CT scan scheduled for late November - my first since my surgery. These will occur at least quarterly for a few years, if I'm lucky, and maybe drop to every six months eventually. But, when the inevitable recurrence happens, its treatment followed by quarterly scans again. My prostate cancer tests have not been a big source of anxiety. With liposarcoma, the anxiety will be huge every single time.

  3. Schmoopy is FABULOUS and he does have hair! to this I can fully attest.
    It was so wonderful to visit with you and Steven and even though we missed sunset it didn't matter. And we can all agree chemo sucks. But hey, your rebound was AMAZING!
    We ARE coming back in the spring and we'll be bringing more friends with us! Promise :)
